Timesheet Mobile Telephone Time Clock – News Section

How 10 Years of iPhone Has Impacted Employee Time Tracking

Written by Keri Christopherson | Jan 20, 2017 4:00:00 PM

When the iPhone launched in 2007, Timesheet Mobile had not yet started helping businesses keep track of their employees. Shortly thereafter, in our company's infancy, users recorded their hours and information using our dial-in Integrated Voice Response system on their flip phone or landline. It's hard to imagine, but owning an iPhone was still rare at that time, and Android hadn't even been developed.

The trade industries were, at first, slow to adopt smartphone technology. But today, while some employees continue to use IVR to access our system, the majority of users interact with our timekeeping app from the moment they enter a jobsite until they punch out at day's end. 

By essentially putting a pocket-sized computer in the world's hands, iPhone transformed and modernized the entire employee time tracking process. It's fair to say that iPhone put mobile timekeeping on the map. Literally. Not only do employees use iPhone to record their hours, communciate with their companies and make adjustments to their online timesheets, but also to let their employers know exactly where they are while on the job. GPS-enabled geofencing makes real-time location tracking simple and reliable. The ubiquity of iPhone and its user-friendly design has allowed companies like ours to continually develop these valuable productivity tools. 

Since the average person checks their phone 85 times a day, many industries, particularly those with employees in the field, are embracing the BYOD culture. With the thought being that workers are going to be on their phones anyway, employers are banking on the benefits of merging work into those interactions. With employees constantly connected to their iPhones, iPads and MacBooks, they are more likely to be responsive and stay connected. BYOD also allows for flexibility in employee schedules and nurtures what virtually everyone seems to be seeking: work-life balance

Next level material
No matter your industry, iPhone is your constant companion. And with their all new waterproof version, whether you're toiling away from a desk at home or your office happens to be the great outdoors, neither your morning coffee nor an all day downpour will wreck your workday.