Like money, time is a resource that businesses must spend wisely. And just like wasted money, wasted time is sadly an issue that dooms many companies run by brilliant people with great ideas.…
Bob Drainville
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No matter what business you’re in, the holidays can be a real challenge. For some, such as those in retail, the holidays are the busiest time of the year, and the pressure to generate sales is fierce. Unfortunately, many employees aren’t enthusiastic about working during the holidays, and may ask for untimely days off. For other businesses, however, the holidays are generally a slow time with customers and clients taking time to spend time with family.…
Construction is second only to the restaurant industry when it comes to risk and volatility. And while the amount of work fluctuates from surges to lulls, many promising trends may help to stabilize the industry in the coming year. New technology is making construction safer, faster and more cost-effective. However, the results of the presidential election, along with other factors, may shape these catalysts for change within the industry.…
Just before Thanksgiving, a federal judge dealt a potentially fatal blow to the new overtime rule that employers have been preparing months for.…
For the first time in 12 years, the federal government is updating the rules on overtime pay. The new rule, which was announced earlier this year by the Department of Labor and will go into effect on December 1.…
Need to integrate third party applications to exchange employee, customer, task and timesheet data?…
Timesheet Mobile and Intuit Integration Allows Seamless Employee Labor Time and GPS Location Tracking for Businesses in any Industry.…
Smartphone app monitors employee GPS location and sends alerts to employee and manager if they leave a job site without Punching out.…