You may personally think that January 1 is just another day, but in the world of business and project management, the beginning of a calendar year marks an important point in time for an employer. In particular, the new year is important because it allows you to finally assess your revenue and profits ahead of Tax Day, a key step if you’re hoping to make big changes to your workforce planning or workforce scheduling in the coming year.…
Bob Drainville
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At the end of the day, even if your business has the latest and greatest , there’s no greater resource than your employees. No matter how many collaboration tools you have, it’s ultimately your employees who will determine whether your company fails or thrives.…
While there are plenty of innovative workforce tools – including state-of-the-art workforce management software – that can help you better run a company, there's no technological substitute for a strong leader. For a lucky few, leadership seems to come naturally, while some of us have absolutely no business being put in charge of other people. Others likely fall somewhere in between, possessing some leadership traits and lacking others. The good news for these people is that with hard work, leadership skills can be learned.…
It’s generally much easier to hire than fire. Unfortunately, it’s hard to span a career in workforce management or project management without having to let an employee go at some point. The decision to terminate, the process of communicating that news to the employee and the way in which you share the situation with the rest of your team are some of the toughest scenarios you’ll experience as a manager.…
Safety should always be top of mind in the homebuilding and commercial construction industry, which is why all responsible builders take safety training for their mobile workforce very seriously. But workers aren’t the only ones at risk on the job site. Homeowners can get injured too. There’s nothing worse for a construction project manager than seeing a client get hurt as part of the project they’re paying for. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce this risk.…
Satisfying your client is the ultimate goal of a project manager. How do you accomplish this? The most intuitive response would be simple: do a good job. However, if you are doing a subpar job in client management, even a exceeding a project’s goals may still disappoint them, particularly if they don’t understand the ins and outs of the type of work that you are providing.…
Not everyone is cut out for project management. Some of us could imagine nothing worse than having to oversee and direct a group of people in a high-pressure work setting. Others thrive in such situations and derive great satisfaction from being a leader and having people count on them.…
If workforce management were just about dealing with cooperative, competent employees, it wouldn’t be such an important skill. Inevitably, however, anybody overseeing a job site deals with workers who are not easy to manage. The mark of a good manager is in knowing how to guide and motivate people to reach their full potential – and as needed, tapping into workforce tools to make life easier.…